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tarball............................................. done A: Please, install a newer version of GIT, using the command sudo apt-get install git-core and then execute the following commands: git --version # For "Ubuntu 10.10", the output is "git version" git pull # The output is "Already up-to-date." git status # The output is "On branch master; nothing to commit, working directory clean" If you can access your repository online, it may be out-of-date. To update your repository, do the following: git pull # The output is "Already up-to-date." git status # The output is "On branch master; nothing to commit, working directory clean" If you can't access your repository online, you should download a new version of GIT from And then execute the following command to install it: sudo apt-get install git Once the GIT package is installed, follow the instructions from the GIT website to add the repository and do a pull of the latest changes. [Biotransformation and disposition kinetics of 3-(1'-methylaminoethyl)-5-methylhexylcabamate in rats]. To investigate the distribution and metabolism of 3-(1'-methylaminoethyl)-5-methylhexylcabamate (M1) in rat. The method of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to identify the metabolites of M1, and the biotransformation and disposition kinetics of M1 were also investigated in rats. The major metabolites were the phenolic metabolites and the primary glucuronide conjugates, and the concentrations of the metabolites and M1 were relatively high in the liver, lung, spleen and kidney. The biotransformation process of M1 in rat primarily occurred in the liver, and the liver and kidney were the main organs that absorbed M1, which indicated that M1 was mainly metabolized in the liver and eliminated in the kidney. The results of pharmacokinetic parameters also showed that M1 was mainly distributed in the liver and eliminated in the kidney, which indicated that M1 should not be used as a drug to treat human.Q: Silverlight: How to keep a reference to the main window I have a page ac619d1d87

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